Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday Morning

As I continue through ministry I am more and more convinced that a lot of our frustrations come from poor communication or simply a lack of clarification. People spend a lot of time making wrong assumptions about issues or things said when a simple question could go a long way towards clearing up the confusion. Of course in order to ask clarifying questions one must admit that they did not understand in the first place. No one wants to come across as ignorant. We all what to look smarter than we probably are. Therefore, we do not ask questions...we make assumptions...and continue to live in the ignorance that leads to frustration. Does any of this make sense to you or should I try to clarify further? :-)


Heather said...

No, it totally makes sense. I agree completely...but then again, great minds think alike:). I'm finding that most people would rather go with their assumptions as the gospel than find out what the other person was actually thinking or feeling. We assume a whole lot and you know what happens when you make assumptions... exactly:)

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about me???

I agree with your blog - and by the way, you got stronger as you went along! :-D

Anonymous said...

Clarify... ;-)

Frustrations with individuals/ specific events or with our faith/walks?

I agree about people in general... no one wants to admit confusion for fear of being thought dumb.

But beyond that, people may not realize that there is a question to be asked... most confused people don't know that they've made wrong assumptions.

The biggest ignorance that we as people have - is of the fact that we are ignorant in the first place!

To that end, I'm a big fan of asking questions, exploring notions, exchange of information and ideas.... and I never met a stupid question I didn't love to ask!

My frustration stems from asking too many questions.... all spinning around inside my head... constantly... churning.... exploring different aspects and perspectives... feeding my brain with too much information which can cloud judgement and cause frustration as well. So the other side of the coin isn't all neat and pretty either.

Can you tell I've pumped up on caffeine this morning?
