Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Letter to a reckless suv driver

Dear Morning Traffic SUV driver,

Thank you for swiftly and skillfully cutting me off this morning. If not for you I may have done something silly like enter the turn lane at the proper point and assumed that my two children in the car, the vehicle I was driving, and myself were all safe. I don't remember praying for patience but I obviously did since God put you in my path this morning to give the opportunity to not only increase my level of patience but my prayer life as well.

I noticed your bumper sticker which read, "Too poor to vote Republican". I did find this rather amusing since Republicans may or may not have caused you to be "poor" but I am confident the Democrats will do what they can to keep you that way. I do not speak as a Republican myself. I am actually just as fed up with both parties as I am with crazy early morning drivers who do not take into consideration the other vehicles around them.

I also found it rather amusing that your bumper sticker defined you as poor and yet you drove your gas guzzling vehicle very fast and very carelessly. Not at all a manner in which someone would be trying to conserve the precious and pricey gas we use to fill our vehicles.

In any case I wish you safe journeys and I pray that other drivers on the road are looking out for you as you seem to be clueless as to anyone else around. Good day and God's speed.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Quote of the day

Facebook quote of the day...

"In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, people take prozac to make it normal."

Tuesday, November 02, 2010