Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The weekend that was...

Wow!!! What a weekend! From Thursday night ‘til Sunday morning God supplied everything we needed to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. This weekend two of our elders shared what God had laid on their hearts and they both did an outstanding job. Scott shared with us on Thursday night as we celebrated with a communion service and foot-washing. He shared how we should be focused on serving each other and how that love and service should reach out to the community. As Scott talked about Jesus washing the feet of the disciples he mentioned several times how here in America we don’t usually come across too many “dirty” feet as we have so many paved roads and we all wear shoes. As I started washing the feet of others I soon realized that Scott was right. The feet I was supposedly “washing” were already pretty clean.

Then it happened. One of the kids from the “neighborhood” came up and asked if she could have her feet washed also. As I poured water over her feet I saw the amount of dirt and filth falling into the basin. As I wiped her feet down I noticed the towel I was using turning black from the grime. All I could think was even here in America with our paved streets and shoes to wear ther e are some who need a simple act of love. It reminded me there is never a moment when we don’t need a Savior. All of us. The nicely dressed. The ones in rags. The church people who know how to “behave” in church and the ones who simply know that if they come on a Wednesday night they will get a free meal and a chance to play some ball.

But it did not end there. He came up and asked me if he could wash my feet. Someone I have intentionally invested in. Someone I have made it a goal to serve. This person who I have tried to pour into was now pouring what he had into me. In a moment he was Jesus to me. He was serving me. He was investing in me. I can not even begin to describe how overwhelming it was to have someone you are intentionally discipling turn around and disciple you in just a moment.
But that was just Thursday.

Sunday morning we had our Sunrise Service at the church. I’ll be honest I was not looking forward to it. We did not get much sleep Saturday night and then I got up at 5 am to get to the church on time. I know some of you get up at 5 am all the time but I do not. In any case, as we were setting things up outside for the service all I could think about was how I could get out of being at the Sunrise Service next year. What excuse could I come up with…mmmmmmm. Then another one of our elders, Paul, shared the message God had laid on his heart. Wow!!! All I can say is…it’s all about God. It’s all about what God is doing and what God wants and what God is providing. It’s not about us…all we need to do is obey and watch what God does. If you were there and were not encouraged and motivated in some way to view Jesus as not only your Savior but your Lord then you didn’t listen to the same message I did.

The regularly scheduled worship service was packed. We had chairs lining each aisle and an extra cluster in the front. God used Allison to write a beautiful service as we walked through the 7 statement Jesus made on the cross. As we observed the death of Jesus we ended that time celebrating His resurrection from the grave leading into the baptism of 15 individuals. Wow!!!
To say it was a good weekend doesn’t really seem to do it justice. God is good. He always has been and always will be. However your weekend looked God is always deserving of praise because He is God and we are not. I encourage all of you to praise Him in some way today. Don’t wait.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Maundy Thursday, Easter

Tonight we are celebrating Maundy Thursday. I just got back from setting the sanctuary up for this special service and I am pumped. Scott, one of our elders, is going to be sharing from God's Word and opening his heart tonight. I am very curious to see what all God does tonight and this weekend. Sunday morning Paul, another one of our elders, is going to be sharing at the Sunrise service. If you show up sleepy I'm sure Paul can wake you up. Afterwards, we get to eat some good breakfast here at the church and then go into our regular morning service. I say regular but it will be anything but.... Come help us celebrate Resurrection Sunday and bring a friend!!! I might even wear a tie for this one.

Monday, March 17, 2008

All time great question

I was on this morning and came across one of the greatest questions I have ever read or heard. It was asked by a fairly new believer and it makes so much sense it's it is.

"Um…I have a question. Why do Christians spend over a month celebrating Christmas with parties, music, decorations, songs, and presents, then only a day celebrating Easter? I mean, isn’t Easter the reason we have our faith in the first place? Shouldn’t we be having Easter parties? It seems kind of backwards to me."

See...I told you...scary...

Sunday, March 16, 2008


After rereading that last post I might have given the impression that the service this week was somewhat blah. Make no mistake when God moves...nothing is ever "blah". God rocks my world!!!!

Sunday night iritation

Tonight is Sunday night. I woke up. Got dressed. Went to church. It being Palm Sunday we had some extra music in the service with more musicians than we normally have. I was ready. We had a good service. God did some cool things in the service. Afterwards we had an easter egg hunt for the kids. Natalie had been in training for a month waiting for this moment. She was fantastic. My little girl ROCKS!!!! We left. Went to help a family in need. Went home. Etc. Etc. Etc...Overall a pretty good Sunday.

WARNING...what follows is a rant...yep that's it...a big fat rant. Tonight I had the chance to check out some of my favorite blogs and some new ones also. As I was scanning the www I soon realized there are some people who feel like it is their job to criticize and tear down other churches and other pastors for no valid reason at all! WHAT IS THE POINT IN THAT!!!!!! We have enough churches who are treating their pastors like dog food and as if that's not enough you have others who feel it is their job to criticize people they don't even know. Oh and did I mention there are people dying without Jesus every day and THAT'S NOT OK!!!!!

The level of stupidity that fills this world is astounding. Just a little something I felt like getting off my chest tonight.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sunday night reflections

This morning EVERYONE was dragging. I have to admit I was having trouble finding my rhythm in the sermon. There was very little response from the congregation during the message. I usually play off of the responses I get whether it's verbal or non-verbal. Today I got very little. I guess the time change hit all of us a little. But some days are like that. Even though we were dragging God still showed up and He was glorified.

However...our practice for next Sunday was awesome!!!! Palm Sunday is going to be OFF THE CHAIN!!!!!! I am so excited about next week I can't even describe it. The next two Sundays are going to rock the planet. I encourage all of WJACC to come and bring a friend...or two...or three...or many...


Friday, March 07, 2008

Daylight savings

Just a reminder for everyone!!! This weekend is the time change for daylight savings. Set your clocks one hour forward Saturday night.

passion part #2

The idea that follows comes from Maxwell's book that I mentioned before. This is how he explained the relationship between passion and priorities.

People who have passion but no priorities are like those who are in a cabin on a cold winter day and light a bunch of small candles that don't give much light and don't really give off much heat. People who have priorities but no passion behind them are like ones who stack the fire place with wood but never light the fire. However, if someone puts their passion and priorities in line with each other then you have a fire place ablaze with plenty of wood giving off plenty of light and heat for the whole cabin.

So what does your fireplace look like today?

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

passion part #1

One of my most recent reads is John Maxwell's book "Talent is never Enough". One of the chapters emphasizes the need for passion in conjunction with talent. Maxwell offers three questions to help find where your passion lies.
What do you sing about?
What do you cry about?
What do you dream about?
My question is, "what do you feel so strongly about that it results in singing, crying, and dreaming?"

I have a dear friend that describes passion as "something you do and you lose track of time doing it."

If there is something that initiates song, tears, and dreams all within the same day...that's a full day.

How many "full" days have you had lately?