Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I hate reading a book just because it's the "popular Christian book". I avoid wearing the "popular Christian clothes/bracelets/etc. I do not go out of my way to watch "Christian" movies. So I did not jump right away at the chance to see the movie "Fireproof". I had nothing against the movie or the people that made it. It just didn't grab me as a "must see" movie. Through a series of events and conversations Allison and I decided to break down and go see it last night. I was pleasantly surprised. I walked away from it NOT feeling like I had wasted my time (as I often do with so many cheesy "Christian" movies). Kirk Cameron did a great job in his role as a firefighter and husband who is trying to figure out how to save his troubled marriage. There were some very intense scenes, some funny moments, and some scenes that made you reflect on your own relationships. I'm not trying to make this movie sound like the best in the world but it was definitely not the worst. I do recommend it. Your marriage does not have to be rocky for you to get something out of this movie. Go see it and if nothing else it will encourage you to pray for your spouse and other marriages even more.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

new tax plan

Scot McKnight has come up with his own tax plan. At first I was expecting something quirky and off the wall but the more I think about it the more it kind of makes sense. You can read his plan here.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Here's the wordle that came up for my blog today...try it out for yourself.

schedule breakers

It's almost cliche' now to say that things have been crazy. We all have schedules to keep and unexpected things that break into those schedules. Here's a few of our "schedule breakers" we experienced this week.
Sunday-Allison and Natalie are sick.
Monday-my folks roll into town.
Tuesday-I'm sick.
Wednesday-fairly normal...all things considered.
Thursday-my dad is sick...Natalie and I travel down to Deland with Uncle Robert and Aunt Jo to see our Uncle Raymond and meet with his Care Coordinator.
Friday-catch up from all the schedule breakers throughout the week and hopefully air out the house from all of the sickness.

As I was typing this there was a knock on my door. "We need to see if a man can open this." Right off the bat my manliness is requested and challenged. The door to the church bus will not open. After much effort and deliberation (and to make this long story sooooo much shorter) the challenge resulted in my rear-end climbing through a window in order to open the door from the inside.

After that little adventure I was informed that one of the phone lines was lit up without anyone on the phone.

After solving that mystery I was also informed that there were doughnuts in the kitchen for everyone. Of course I had to investigate this as well. After all I am planning on running 14 miles tomorrow in my marathon training.

Now it is 10:00 and I'm just now finishing this entry.
Schedule breakers...mmmmm...they make life interesting.