Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas Red

This year I'm trying something different and a little risky for our Advent Wreath devotions for WJACC. I am writing them myself. The theme this year is "The Colors of Christmas". Here is the first one we used yesterday.

Christmas would not be the same without the color "red". Holly berries, Santa's red suit, Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer, red-velvet cake, even the "Home Sweet Home" candles from Yankee Candle Company fill the holiday season with brightness and cheer. There is no overlooking the color red. It is bold and it is intense.

Imagine the red in Mary's cheeks when discovering she was chosen to carry the Messiah. The excitement she felt must have been overwhelming. To be the one to carry the Christ child in her womb meant she was also carrying within her God's plan of hope and salvation for the world.

The color red is so often linked with blood and sacrifice. Christmas celebrates the birth of the only one whose sacrifice made a difference for the entire world. The sacrifice of Jesus continues to make a difference today for all who believe.

The color red reminds us of hope. Reminds us of salvation. Reminds us that no matter how intense our sin may be Jesus' sacrifice can and does still cover it with forgiveness and grace.

Let the red of Christmas remind us all of hope and the salvation found in the Son of God.

Good Day

At the moment I am sitting at my in-laws house in West Virginia. The air is cool but not cold. The leaves that remain on the trees are a variety of colors. There are family and friends that are happy to see us and I have just finished a great cup of coffee with "gingerbread" holiday creamer. Today is a good day. It is a chance to take a moment and breathe. A chance to watch Allison and Natalie's Aunt Sarah attempt to take Natalie's holiday picture. A chance to watch some college basketball. A chance to do a little reading. A chance to blog. A chance to just "be". Today is a good day.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Holiday season

It's official...we are in the midst of craziness. The holiday season is here. Mall parking lots are beginning to fill a little more quickly. I can almost smell turkey as I sit here typing...and I haven't blogged for two weeks. For those of you who read my blog regularly I apologize. If you didn't even notice then "welcome back":-)

I had the chance to meet my brother's fiance this week. The two of them seem like a great match for each other. Just the fact that they are both willing to register at Bass Pro Shop says so much. Stacy is a sweetheart and I look forward to calling her "sister".

On a completely different note...
This Sunday morning we are going to look at a topic that is not uncommon for the Sunday before Thanksgiving. *sarcastic grin placed here* We are going to tackle the monster of "FEAR". What are we afraid of and why? Sometimes it's easy to recognize fear in the big things. Death, Divorce, Sickness, Depression, Parenting...etc. But what about the things that sneak up on us? What about fear of expectations (ours or others)? What about fear that someone else will do something wrong? What about fear of disappointing God? What about fear of messing things up?

The more I think about fear the more I can hear Jesus tell me..."My GRACE is bigger than your fear." Wow!!!!

I invite you all to be here at WJACC this Sunday to celebrate the Grace of Jesus.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Monday randomness

We had a good "Homecoming" here at WJACC yesterday. "Calvary's Voice" did a great job with their portion of the service. I don't tend to be much of a southern gospel fan but they were pretty good. If you like southern gospel then you should check them out.

The food yesterday was awesome! I love church pot-luck dinners!

I think the time change this weekend was for everyone but us. Between Natalie and the dogs we really didn't see much of that "extra" hour of sleep Saturday night. Oh well...maybe next year.

Two times this past week I saw two different people make decisions concerning other people that they felt God was leading them in. They didn't necessarily know all of the "why" behind it but they made the decision anyway. Both times God made it very evident that was the right way to go. The fruit of this decernment showed that these individuals are listening to God and what He has to say. These are people who show true leadership. The one most crucial characteristic you must have as a leader is to listen to God.

We have entered the holiday season and I am feeling the anticipation right now. Holidays mean parties and food. These are a few of my favorite things...yeah!!!!