Monday, July 30, 2007

Deep fried baby Jesus

Check out Allison's blog titled "Deep fried baby Jesus". She hits a home run with this one. My wife rocks!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Eric Church

September 14, 2007! Eric Church is going to be in Jacksonville, FL! If you like country music you will like Eric. If you do not like country music there is a good chance you will still like Eric. I've known Eric since we were at ASU together and he rocks! If you get the chance check out his stuff.

Sunday night thoughts

Today was a good day. I was dragging into church this morning. I didn't sleep good last night and was hurting to find the energy to preach. Then I got a phone call from a friend telling me that God set him up this weekend to share the gospel with a 13 year old girl and she accepted Christ this weekend. That was all I need. I was PUMPED UP! One more in the kingdom. That is AWESOME!

Allison and I had the chance to eat dinner with friends tonight. We had some great conversation and again I got pumped up. I am excited to think that God is up to something in our city and we just might be able to be a part of what HE is doing! WOW! That is nuts.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

water walkers

Last Sunday Logan wrapped up his sermon with a reference to Jesus and Peter walking on the water. He talked about Peter's willingness to get out of the boat while the others stayed in the boat where things were more familiar.

This Sunday we are going to look at some common characteristics of "water walkers". What risky step is God calling each of us towards today? The more we step out in faith the clearer vision we tend to have of our Savior and Lord. Take a step towards Him today and just see what happens.

Monday, July 16, 2007

home again

Today I am back at the office and into my normal routine. (whatever that it) Camp last week was great! We saw God do some cool things last week. The way He set up the music and the messages without us getting in the way was an amazing thing to watch.

Pray for Logan and the kids that are going to Honduras this week. Most of them were all at camp last week and have not had much of a chance to rest so keep them in prayer this week.

Natalie has her one year check up tomorrow...that means more shots...pray for all of us tomorrow.

Until next time...

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Today is Thursday. We are over half way through this week of Senior Camp at Suwannee. It has been a good week. This has been a great group of campers over all this week. I am always amazed at the creativity and brutal honesty that can come from teenagers. It's also refreshing to see the cravings for God's presence in their lives. Tonight I am speaking on our identity in Christ. Please pray for God's continued work in the lives of the campers and the staff here at camp. Also, pray for Logan. He will be preaching this Sunday at WJACC and after a full week of directing camp he's going to be worn out.

ps. We have had one major tragedy this week. Powell's "ALF" doll has been kidnapped and we are awaiting ransom demands. poor, poor, alf

Friday, July 06, 2007

Strip and get naked

That's the title of this Sunday's message. Strip away the thought that says if you don't act like a christian then you are not one. Let your heart get naked before God and let Him clean you up. Then the things we do will have real meaning and power. We don't do things to make ourselves right. Jesus makes us right and then we get to do the right things. If we get this backwards then we are just asking for trouble, frustration, depression, and burnout just to name a few.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

2 weddings and a funeral

So Allison, Natalie, and I got home at about 1am last night. Today I am wiped but glad to be home. We had a great time in Iowa this weekend. It was crammed packed. 2 weddings...2 birthday parties for service in the city funeral...and a whole lot of food...

It was good to visit but I'm glad to be back in my own bed. We are still slam jammin' this week. Tomorrow night we are eating and praising God here at the church @ 6pm. If it is raining we will move inside. Everyone come out and bring a friend. We are going to celebrate the 4th by worshiping GOD! That's a celebration!

Everyone keep in mind who God is putting in your path today!