Friday, September 21, 2007

realness and unpredictability

So last night I asked some friends a question that I've heard others address several times already. "If you were in charge how would church be different?" The answers were all good, honest responses. As I thought back over the answers later on I realized that 2 major themes came out. 1-a desire for realness in relationships 2-a desire for unpredictability. If God is so unpredictable why should our worship be? Also the need for intentional involvement.
The trick seems to be that even if we say we want these things we don't always recognize how to bring them about...or more to the point...observe God bringing them about. So if we know the "who" of church and worship is the next Maybe...maybe not. Anyone have further thoughts on this rambling?


Anonymous said...

As the world's most practiced church hopper:

I don't want to be in charge.... people are too difficult to please.

Preaching comes first for me... the rest is icing.

I know church is supposed to be all about fellowship and community and worship.... but I can't care about all of that if I'm not being fed solid gospel.

I personally believe that if a dynamic preacher is speaking real truth in real love... anyone not interested in real relationships would be too convicted to attend...

Just don't get me started on music that is painfully loud - no matter whether hymns or choruses - and bad organization/administration.


Anonymous said...

sometimes bringing them out is not the hard part. getting everyone to try something new is. why is it we get set in our ways and never look outside of our comfort zone at what God is doing?