Thursday, July 31, 2008

celtic compline

The peace of all peace
be mine this night
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

new feature

I've added a subscription option to my blog. If you subscribe you will receive a notice whenever the blog is updated. Not sure if it works yet but as soon as any of you try it let me know. If it doesn't work soon I may go ahead and remove it. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

200 days

Only 200 days until the marathon. Here's a runner's prayer I found through google.

God,Give me courage to run the race.
Help me to persevere as you taught us.
Grant me the strength to finish strong.
Honor me with your presence on my journey.
Allow me to be a GraceRunner this day.
Oh, Lord...
One more breath...
One more step...
One more mile...
his is my prayer.

I can do all things throughYOU who strengthens me!Amen. ©


It's official...I've reached 2000 hits on my blog so far. Thank you to all of you who have been a part of this. I hope that this blog has in some way been an encouragement in your walk with Christ. I try to add variety here. Some days I'm more successful than others but through it all thank you for checking back in from time to time. I have a couple of new ideas for this blog but haven't had the time to develop them as of yet.

Also, I have received hits from 19 different states across the US. As far away as Washington state and of course as close as Florida. If you travel at all this year check in to the site and tell your friends about it. I'd love to have hits from at least the 48 states in the continental U.S. If you travel outside of the U.S. then...BONUS!!!

Here's a fun/useful site to check out. HERE.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

What did I just do???!!!

I have just registered to run in a marathon. For those of you who may be under the impression that a marathon means any run of any length let me clarify. On Feb. 15th I will be running 26.2 miles. All at the same the same event...hopefully before the sun goes down. I've talked about running a marathon for quite a while and now I've literally put my money where my mouth is. I have that feeling like when the roller coaster is just leaving the station and you know it's going to be a wild ride but your stomach is still in knots.

What's my motivation? All of the money from the event goes to breast cancer research. I can't think of a better motivation. I'm nervous, excited, anxious, curious, ready, hesitant...and so many other things rolled into one.

My training started today with a 2 mile run. I've got a long way to go but I've at least started. Pray for me. Cheer for me. Please encourage me. I have no idea what all to expect but I also know this will be an experience I will never forget.

For those who may be's a link to the event site.

Ready or we go.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cool links and a prayer

Here are some cool links.
  • Perry hit it hard with this post.
  • Read the second quote in Tony's post here.
  • Not everyone like TD Jakes but his post about his daughter's wedding is good stuff. Here.
Here is a prayer I came across today that I thought was good in the midst of busy-ness and crazy schedules.

Calm me, O Lord, as You stilled the storm.
Still me, O Lord, keep me from harm.
Let all the tumult within me cease.
Enfold me, Lord, in Your peace.

another blogger

Welcome Troy and Sabrina to the world of blog!!! We're slowly sucking everyone into this strange land of blog.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

2 funerals

Today I will be walking two families through two funerals for their loved ones. Funerals are rarely if ever considered something fun to experience. As a pastor it is a priviledge to remind everyone that even in the face of death God's presence is real and His peace is beyond comprehension. However, before this day gets both ceremonies I will be using Psalm 23 as one of the passages of scripture.

Psalm 23
The LORD Is My Shepherd
A Psalm of David.

1The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2He makes me lie down in green pastures.He leads me beside still waters.
3He restores my soul.He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
4Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

What I'm reminded of though is that while this is a familiar passage at funerals this Psalm is very much for the living. Here's my challenge Psalm 23 and ask God what He is trying to tell you about living through today with Him. Let me know what He tells you.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Anheuser-Busch is now owned by a Belgian owner. This may not seem like a big deal. Afterall several "American" companies are not really 100% American. Columbia pictures is really Japanese. FoxNews and the Wall Street Journal are really Australian...and the list goes on and on and on. If you believe in buying only American products it may become increasingly difficult to do so. I type and ponder all of this I'm thinking..."Isn't Budweiser a Czech name anyway?"...something to make you say..."Who really cares?"


Have you ever read the book of Haggai? What is your favorite verse from Haggai? If your like me you probably haven't spent much time with it if you've read it at all. That was where I was until God lead me to our current sermon series called "The 3 C's of God's Economy-Creation, Cross, Coming". This book has been motivating and inspiring to study. God has a plan for all of us as individuals and for all of us corporately. As we walk in obedience we experience His presence more and more. Where God's presence is there is no reason to invite fear in as well. "My Spirit is abiding in your midst; do not fear!" (Haggai 2:5b) If you have a few minutes today read the whole book of Haggai. It's only 2 chapters...and ask God to show you something. Let me know what you find.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

a day @ the office

Here's a little behind the scenes shot @ WJACC. I hope it serves to brighten your day.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

clenched teeth

"Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return.
The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away;
blessed be the name of the LORD." (Job 1:21)

These words had to be some of the hardest Job ever uttered in his life. I can't imagine the hurt, pain, grief, and loss he was feeling in this moment. Yet even in the midst of such tragedy he was fiercely determined to praise God anyway. I wonder if he made this statement of praise through clenched teeth. I wonder if the tears were streaming down his face as he did the only thing he knew to do. Praise God. I wonder if he told God..."This hurts really bad...but I am making a choice to praise you anyway." What are you choosing to do with your words today?

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

something mindless

Whenever you get the chance go to and look at the list of AC church websites. Scroll down and you will see three churches named "First Advent Christian Church". If all of these are first then who is second? Is this a severe sign of competitiveness, stubbornness, or just plain laziness? If they are each first then what competition did they win to get there? Also, how many other "First" churches are out there? mmmmmmm...

Saturday, July 05, 2008

This weekend

Celebrate good times...c'mon...dododododododoooooo!
Yesterday I spent all day making cupcakes and decorating a "Strawberry Shortcake" birthday cake for Natalie.
Last night the Jacksonville fireworks rocked!!!
Today is the big birthday bash for Natalie.
Tomorrow we are kicking off a new sermon series @ WJACC..."The 3 C's of God's Economy-#1 Creation"-
This weekend is crammed pack and I already need a nap...but it's all good stuff...YEAH!!!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Tonight we are kicking off a new teaching series for our Wednesday night Bible Study @ WJACC. We are going to be looking at "Authentic Relationships". Tonight we are looking at being a real friend by looking at Jesus' friendship with us. As I was preparing I came across this question..."What makes developing friendships difficult today?"

At first I had several answers go through my head but then as I pondered it more I just had more questions arise. Why are there people who are very active in the church but yet can still feel disconnected from everyone else? Do I really want real friendships or am I comfortable where I am? Am I open to being challenged in a true friendship relationship? Am I willing to be vulnerable? Do I really want more friends? How do authentic relationships impact Christ's Kingdom Ministry?

"What makes developing friendships difficult today?"
Any thought?

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Birthday Natalie!!!!

My baby girl is now 2 years old!!!! Wow!
She is now into mommy's make-up.
She loves shoes.
She loves purses and bags.
She loves Strawberry Shortcake.
She loves dogs...especially Mocha and Lexie.
She loves chocolate milk.
She loves her daddy. (duh)
She loves her mommy.
She loves singing.
She loves music.
She's learning more and more every day that there is a Savior who is madly in love with her.
Happy Birthday baby girl!!!