Friday, November 06, 2009

It's Friday!!!!

Today is's been a good week are some thoughts for today...

  • Check out Perry's blog on leadership here...even if you don't agree with all of his points he at least makes you think...
  • There is nothing in the world that sounds like a baby laughing...Micah rocks!!!
  • This morning when we found the shirt Natalie wanted to where her response was a loud "Hallelujah!"...never a bad time to praise the Lord.
  • I can not wait 'til Sunday. We are going to walk through Psalm 30 and God WILL be praise and He WILL be exalted!
  • There are a few video clips that I want to share so keep checking back for those.
  • Tomorrow some friends are running in a race to help end human trafficking. You can read more about it here.
  • If you get the chance read Psalm 30 in whatever translation you usually use...then read it out of the Message Bible...good stuff!

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