- Yesterday the church had a time of pastor appreciation during the service. Several people had very encouraging and kind things to say about myself and Logan. Everyone was very gracious and you will probably never know just how much your expressions of gratitude mean to the both of us and our wives. Thank you.
- Yesterday I preached on the flow of the Holy Spirit in and through our lives. I was so excited to get to preach that message. As I was preparing it this question kept coming to mind. What if we are not only saved by Grace but we are to live by Grace as well?...and how does that look?
- I have started writing this years advent devotions for the Advent season and God is showing me some cool things in the process. (Each one is based out of the Gospel of Luke)
- Today we had our second funeral in three days. I can not wait until Jesus comes and there will be no more death!
- Allison went back to work today. That means Micah is with me and so far we are having a fine day bonding. I think he kinda likes my office. (He should...it's looking more and more like his place anyway:-)
- This Wednesday is the fall festival at church. This is going to be a great time of celebrating with the whole church together. Everyone please come out and be ready to have a good time.
- This year Halloween is going to be a trip. I know some people are against Halloween for one reason or another. That's fine...but I'm excited because my little girl is going to be Supergirl...and that pumps me up!
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