Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Command or Blessing?

Some are familiar with Acts 1:8.

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." (ESV)

I've heard many preachers and teachers use this passage to motivate people to go out and witness to their neighbors, family, and friends. They promise the power of the Holy Spirit if you'll just go out and witness to someone. They use this verse as if it's a command to us. That's not quite what the passage says.

BE-ing God's witness is a blessing that comes from the empowerment provided by the Holy Spirit. In other words...
1) Holy Spirit comes on you.
2) You receive power from the H.S.
3) You enjoy the blessing of BE-ing a witness.

You get the chance to be a witness because God empowers you through His Holy Spirit.

God does not empower you because you witnessed. God's actions are motivated by the core of who He is...LOVE.

By BE-ing a witness that includes all of life. It's not just one activity on some spiritual to do list. It's life with Christ.
Nothing is a greater blessing than being used by Almighty God for His glory and His purpose and His Kingdom.
Enjoy BE-ing a witness today as God empowers you.

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