Friday, June 08, 2007


OK. Long story short. Lazarus dies. Jesus comes and raises him again. Everybody moves on...or do they? JOhn 12:9-10 tells us that the chief priests were looking to kill Lazarus as part of their efforts to take down Jesus.

I wonder how this made Lazarus feel. I'm guessing that he made one of two choices. 1) "Oh no! Theyr'e after me! What am I going to do?! I better hide or stay out of the way or just lay low for a while.

The other option may look something like this...2) You want to do what to me? Kill me? Sorry...been there done that. If that's all you've got then...Bring IT! I would rather die in full confidence in Jesus than to live scared the rest of my life. So until that time I'm going to let people know what Jesus did for me.

I wonder which approach people will choose today. I ask for your prayers for this Sunday. I am preaching on the "God of the Impossible" then later in the day we are having a Dream/Vision meeting for the church. It's going to be a full Sunday.

Keep dreaming in grace,

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