Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Micah!!!

Today my little man turns one! Wow! This past year he has spent the majority of his time with me in the office and going where I go. We have been companions and friends, working, playing, and sometimes even snoozing together. In a couple of weeks he starts going to a daycare class. There's a part of me that is excited to get my office back. I won't have to worry about books being pulled off of shelves or papers being thrown everywhere. I won't have to worry about stepping on toys, blocks, or balls. I can set up my office the way I want it.

Then again, in a couple of weeks this office will get a little more quiet and it will remind me once again that my kids are growing up way faster than I will ever be comfortable with. I am thankful that I have a God who loves my son much more than I do. And that says a lot.

I love you little man and I can not wait to see what all God does in and through your life. Happy Birthday!

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