Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday morning thoughts

  • Yesterday's service was "off the chain"! Terry brought a great message, the music was flowing, the people were celebrating and the food was good and plentiful.
  • We saw at least 16 people baptized between the two churches yesterday. Yeah God!
  • We are seeing groups come together for Bible study and fellowship more and more throughout the church. Who knows what all God is up to...
  • I found out that an MP3 player does not fair well in the washing machine.
  • A 3 year old IS able to sleep through the night without waking Mommy or if we can do this on a consistent basis...
  • Next weeks sermon is going to be a mind-bender. We are going to look at money and finances in a way that I have never preached before. Come next week and check it out.
  • Going to a birthday luncheon today...Happy Birthday Uncle Robert!

1 comment:

Emily Peacock said...

Have you been using the Malachi study for Sunday sermon topics? AWESOME! Too bad we will miss out...AGAIN! Fall Retreat. Save your notes for us!