Friday, November 16, 2007

Holiday season

It's official...we are in the midst of craziness. The holiday season is here. Mall parking lots are beginning to fill a little more quickly. I can almost smell turkey as I sit here typing...and I haven't blogged for two weeks. For those of you who read my blog regularly I apologize. If you didn't even notice then "welcome back":-)

I had the chance to meet my brother's fiance this week. The two of them seem like a great match for each other. Just the fact that they are both willing to register at Bass Pro Shop says so much. Stacy is a sweetheart and I look forward to calling her "sister".

On a completely different note...
This Sunday morning we are going to look at a topic that is not uncommon for the Sunday before Thanksgiving. *sarcastic grin placed here* We are going to tackle the monster of "FEAR". What are we afraid of and why? Sometimes it's easy to recognize fear in the big things. Death, Divorce, Sickness, Depression, Parenting...etc. But what about the things that sneak up on us? What about fear of expectations (ours or others)? What about fear that someone else will do something wrong? What about fear of disappointing God? What about fear of messing things up?

The more I think about fear the more I can hear Jesus tell me..."My GRACE is bigger than your fear." Wow!!!!

I invite you all to be here at WJACC this Sunday to celebrate the Grace of Jesus.


Anonymous said...

aaahhh...sorry I haven't called back yet!
I'm calling tomorrow!!!

love your girls for me!

Anonymous said...


Here's a free illustation for your message:
Fear stands for:

"False Expectations Apearing Real"

We often fear things that aren't real or never happen. I got that from a guy who'd been a cocaine addict, but got sober by God's grace and a good 12 step program.

theodude said...

Thanks guys. The sermon went well. We even had someone give a spontaneous testimony at the end of the service. It was really cool to see God working outside of "our plan" on Sunday.